A Moon In The Dark with Ellen Blake

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Do you write in pen or pencil?

My calendar took a long nap for the past several weeks.  I have to admit that was a refreshing change although several times I forgot what day it was.

I had to find the calendar recently to begin putting a few things on it, only to find it filled up with things written in pen that had been cancelled or postponed.  Most of the time I write events and appointments on calendars in pencil, but the big ones like weddings and graduations—they get written in pen!  Who would move those?


As I marked through several items, I thought about these interesting times. I have heard the phrase “God is always multi-tasking.”  It seems that one of the many things he is up to in these days is taking us down a notch.  We assume that we are actually in charge of our calendar planning. 


There is a passage in Scripture that speaks to our time. Jesus’ brother, James, writes:


“Now listen, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.’ Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, ‘If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.’ As it is, you boast in your arrogant schemes. All such boasting is evil.” James 4:13-16


Wow!  That cuts to the heart of our addiction to planning ahead, doesn’t it? We think that we are in control of our days and plans and forget that we are only “a mist.”  We tend to think too highly of ourselves and not think highly enough of God. 


I have a sweet friend who would say, “Lord’s will!” if I were to say, “see you next week!” I always thought it was dear and somewhat old-fashioned.  I realize that what I need now is more of her posture towards the future.


Francis Chan, a renowned author and teacher, recently gave a message on this passage while in Hong Kong.  (If you have the 13 minutes, I recommend clicking on the button below.) He has an interesting perspective on the tendency of so many of us to be constantly on the “treadmill” of life and how hard (and crucial) it is to slow down and get God’s perspective on our schedules.


As my calendar comes out of hibernation and things are beginning to ramp back up, I want to approach the time differently. I want to savor times with the Lord, have less hurry, and hold the future loosely—with pencil (and eraser) in hand.

On the edge of my seat, 
